Wheel change

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Tyres and rims - are not the same thing! Together, though, they make a wheel, and you need 4 to make your car move. The clever car owner has a set of winter tyres mounted on one set of rims and summer tyres on another set. That makes it easy to change wheels every half year.

If you have the wrong kind of tyres for the season, it will not be long before you feel how impaired the traction is. With the changing seasons - especially in northern Europe - it can be hard to decipher when to change wheels, but get it done in time.

If the old tyres are very worn, you need new ones. Check it yourself by examining the depth of the grooves in the tyre. If it is close to the limit, your stopping distance will be extended, potentially resulting in damages and accidents.

Without specialist tools you cannot change the tyres on the rims yourself. Avoid the hassle by choosing a tyre dealer or garage that mounts tyres, you will not regret it.

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